Last weekend my littlest sister turned 6. My husband and I went down to my parents’ for the weekend to celebrate with them. The weather was a little chilly but nice enough to have a picnic, pony ride, and hotdog roast. Two days of birthday celebrations are the best. She had a good time. I, unfortunately, forgot her presents at my apartment. Boy did I feel like a moron. But we (my, my other sister, and my husband) went shopping and I got a joint present with my husband at least. I’ll be going back to delivery her other presents probably next weekend.
I have never had the chance to take any photography of horses, until now. I haven’t been taking much photography at all lately, so my skills at picking the right settings and adjusting the shutter speed and aperture, etc., aren’t the best at the moment. So I struggled capturing the colors – as there were still some fall leaves out there – as well as capturing horses that refused to stay still. It was a learning experince, but I did get a few good shots to add to my collection.
Below are some pictures from the birthday celebration: