Exploring Poetry – Horror Haiku

July’s poetry blog is a post on Haiku – specifically horror haiku (and movie reviews). I have a guest come and post on my blog each month talking about poetry so be sure to check out all the Exploring Poetry posts in the series and follow for more! Today I welcome Eileen Patterson! You’ll find out there’s other facets to Read More …

Exploring Poetry – The Healing Power of Poetry

June’s poetry blog is a post on the healing power of poetry. I have a guest come and post on my blog each month talking about poetry so be sure to check out all the Exploring Poetry posts in the series and follow for more! Today I welcome Morgana Shea! (It’s also an Insecure Writers Support Group Wednesday post so Read More …

Exploring Poetry – Creativity and Trauma

This month’s poetry guest blog is a post on creativity and grief/trauma. (Check out previous Exploring Poetry posts). Rue Spark’s story they share below with us today is poignant, enthralling, and carries a message of how creativity helps you make sense of the world. Rue has written several online articles and published multiple works with awards. I’m excited to have Read More …

April 2024 Author Updates

Time for my monthly recap and author updates. April had mostly good weather, which means my flowers are starting to decorate my landscape. It was poetry month, and I had an author event. Keep reading for updates! It’s also a IWSG Wednesday (what’s that? read on!) and the question posed this month is about distraction. This month I am: Author Read More …