I stumbled on the hashtag IndieApril on twitter this month and joined in. #IndieApril is about celebrating independent authors, including self-published authors (like myself!). The writing community shared their books and asked for books in return. And many liked and retweeted those posts to generate awareness (and free advertising). After recommending my own novel, I joined in asking for people to pitch their book to me:
As promised, I’ve compiled a list of books I found as a result of that tweet or from perusing the IndieApril hashtag. Below are the items I found intreguing to add to my reading wish list.

Myth, Legend, Historical Fiction
Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Paranormal
General Fiction, Romance, Memoir
![Bee's Flowers: Book One by [Dawn, Corlet]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51pC2vp87PL.jpg)
Bee’s Flowers: Book One

The Unspoken Truth: A Memoir
![Aqua Dog by [Van der Wielen, Lisa]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51C7gAavGUL.jpg)
Aqua Dog