Welcome to my monthly recaps. Here’s what I’ve been up to in October.
What I am:
- Reading: The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
- Drinking: Chai Tea Latte with almond milk
- Watching: Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Playing: Mass Effect
My second baby is 9 months old today and just started crawling yesterday! It’s awesome seeing him learn new things but I’m not ready for so much mobility. Time to get even more things baby-safe.
My publisher released the cover for my Science Fiction and Fantasy novel Trials of the Innermost! It blends tropes from each genre, is told from six characters’ pov, and is a little like Lord of the Rings meets Horizon Zero Dawn.

- Lost technology
- Strong females
- Musical magic
- Animal companions
- Epic journey
- Volcanic rifts, deserts, mountains, swamps, and more!
Trials of the Innermost, May 26th, 2023. EthereaCycle.com
I won third place for a poem I wrote. It will appear in an anthology for the Poetry Society of Indiana. More to come!
With my day job, my two kids, and just life some times I have to pick what I use my “free” time on. And lately that choice has been easy to make – writing!
I started writing two short stories this month after polishing a novella I finished this spring. One short story is basically a Persephone and Hades retelling and the other is a gift for one of my best friends. I had him fill out a questionnaire and he built the framework (needs to be science fantasy, have an alien or robot mc, have alternate history, etc.) and I’m tailoring my tale to his request. I had fun brainstorming this one!
My family has had loads of fall and Halloween fun. We decorated at the start of October and visited several fun locations over the weeks including farms and orchards and a pumpkin town. Here are some photos from our adventures!
I’m slowly making progress reading The Starless Sea with one of my best friends – so many stories along with the main story and I’m constantly trying to connect them. I’m even more slowly making it through watching the Star Wars series Obi-Wan. Did you know he’s one of my favorite characters? And when I need a different creative outlet, I’ve started playing Mass Effect for the first time. I’ve basically spent six hours in Citadel but it’s been fun!
How was your October? What fun things did you do?