I’m twenty-three days away from my debut novel’s release! Read more about how that book launch is going, what else I did in April, and plans for May. Here’s my May Writing Update including a question of the month from the IWSG in inspiration.
What I am:
- Reading: I’m almost done with The Surviving Sky
- Drinking: Chai Tea Latte
- Watching: Nothing
- Playing: Mass Effect
April was National Poetry Month, and my goal was to outline or write a poem every day. April was rough, creatively. My science fantasy book releases in 23 days, so I’ve been focused on marketing. For me, it takes another set of skills to promote so it’s hard to bounce between marketing and writing poetry. By the time I’ve focused my brain, my available time has run out and I’ve written no words. But check out the preorder goodies campaign!

Some days I didn’t write at all, and sometimes I wrote an idea down and gave myself grace; an idea is more than no idea. It’s a win! The grand total was: 11 (mostly) completed poems, 7 started, 20 additional ideas. I’ll keep working on those through May. My hope is to finally finish my collection of fantasy and sci-fi poems this month to either submit to a publisher or publish on my own. I’ll be working to edit and finish these poems and ideas I started last month. Which leads me to the next update.
May is also a Write for the American Cancer Society charity event so I’m writing for 30 minutes a day; even if that’s just a blog post like today’s! But I do have a goal of editing a short story I finished earlier this year that’s a prequel tie-in to Trials of the Innermost, and finish writing a short story I started late last year. Plus the previously mentioned poetry goals.
Finally, I have a book launch and signing event coming up on the first weekend of June, and I’m preparing for that by printing out advertisements and bookmarks, to leave around my area, as well as other goodies to giveaway to anyone who swings by. If you’re in Indiana, stop in!

IWSG May 2023 Author Update
It’s a IWSG Wednesday (what’s that? read on!) and the question posed this month is about an author’s first book.

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group post on the first Wednesday of the month. “Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance.” You can find my previous posts here. The group poses a monthly question to answer as well.
IWSG Question of the Month
When you are working on a story, what inspires you?
Is everything a valid answer? I’m inspired by my favorite sci-fi/fantasy books, movies, video games, and shows as well as anything new I’m reading. It could be as small as a unique plant on another planet that then gets the ideas spinning for a whole civilization. If I’m in the middle of writing, I think it’s similar. If I get stuck (I’m a panster so often don’t have more than a basic idea of where everything is going) I’ll divert my creative energy to experience other creative works or activities to rekindle my inspiration. I also use my excitement of my story or idea and tell a writing partner – I’ve worked my way through plots or a small stuck spot just by “thinking out loud” to them. I’m also inspired by the world around me, from the varied and unique people within it to the varied and unique flora and fauna. Sometimes talking a walk and looking where I don’t always look can spark ideas. Lastly, it’s the thought of having someone like you read and enjoy what I write.
What inspires you?
Congratulations on your upcoming release! And yes, “everything” is a great response. The whole world is so full of inspiration for writing!